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 Post subject: VisualQuant beta testing
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:00 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2003 3:43 pm
Posts: 6817
Join VisualQuant beta testing program! VisualQuant is our new platform for visual development of trading application.

Inspired by recent progress in CEP (Complex Event Processing), event-driven algorithmic trading, Microsoft .NET, Visual Language, Workflow (WF) and Presentation (WPF) Foundations development, VisualQuant is an IDE (integrated development environment) for designing and executing computerized quantitative trading applications on either historical or live market data. It is the latest generation in a 10-year evolution of IDE platforms for programming and executing event-driven computerized trading strategies.

The first major goal of VisualQuant is to provide a new development model that enables users to assemble their own underlying framework using predefined (or user provided) building blocks. This way, users can have full access to all functional blocks within the underlying trading engine, and can extend the constructed engine as they please with their own building blocks, to support whatever advanced filters, strategies, and reports that they can imagine.

The second major goal of VisualQuant is to provide a more convenient drag-drop-and-connect visual user interface for assembling strategies from building blocks. This way, non-programmers can learn to create and experiment with strategies without having to understand C# programming. Complete and functional strategies can be created simply by dragging and interconnecting a suitable suit of building blocks on to the development canvas.

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